Monday, December 6, 2021

Staff Winter Treat Table Donation Sign Up

As we near the end of 2021, let's treat our wonderful Cooper Staff to some delicious goodies before our winter break!

The Hospitality Committee is looking for donations of items (cookies, bars, brownies, vegetable tray, fruit platter, etc) to place out on a small Winter Treat Table for staff. This treat table will be offered to Cooper staff on Friday, 12/17. We would like to provide enough treats for about 70 staff members.

Please sign up with what you'd like to donate by Monday, December 13th. 

All items must be dropped off to school in the main office on THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16th between 4-5pm. These foods will be placed in the refrigerator for the next day.

If this time doesn't work for you, please reach out after signing up to make arrangements to drop off to Shazia or Bridget.

- An ingredient list must be provided for any treat donated. This will be displayed on the table along with the item.

- "Grab and go" / individually wrapped offerings are always appreciated by staff members.

- If providing a tray or plate of edibles, please provide a plastic tong as well if possible. We have a few but more would be appreciated.

If you have any questions, please reach out. Thank you in advance!!