Monday, January 9, 2023

Message from the JF Cooper PTA

Dear Cooper Families & Staff,

Happy New Year! We hope you and your families had an enjoyable winter break. We wish you nothing but good health, happiness, and success for the upcoming year! Here is an update from the PTA Board!


Our Local PTA has qualified for the 2022 - 2023 New Jersey PTA Trailblazer Membership Incentive Award for reaching 75% of our Membership Goal by November 30, 2022! See the full list of winners here. Thank you to our member base! If you haven't submitted dues yet, you can do so here. We need just 5 more members to reach 100% of our goal! If you are not sure if you are a member this year, please reach out.



  • Feb 7 - RaiseRight Physical Gift Card Orders Due

  • Feb 10 - PTA Sponsored Author Visit: Miranda Paul (For Students)

  • Feb 15 - Cooper Roller Skating Night at Hot Wheelz from 6:30-9pm

  • Feb 21 - PJ Whelihan’s Fundraiser (all day)

  • Feb 23 - PTA Meeting from 6:30-7:30pm (Cooper Library)

  • Mar 7 - RaiseRight Physical Gift Card Orders Due

  • Mar 10 - Cooper Family Fun Bowling Night @ The Big Event from 6-8pm

  • Mar 21 - PTA Sponsored MAD Science Assembly (For Students)

  • Mar 21 - Dine Out Fundraiser - McDonald’s 5-8pm

  • Mar 22 - PTA Meeting from 6:30-7:30pm (Cooper Library)

  • Mar 31 - Science Fair / STEAM Fair Registration Forms Due


  • Our School Nurse has requested the following: girls and boys pants in new/gently used condition sizes suitable for K-2 students, new underwear in sizes suitable for K-2 students. Please send items to school in a bag labeled "NURSE." Thank you!

  • We are looking for playsets and toys that can be kept outside in a fenced area for our students with special needs to play with. If you are interested in donating anything, gently used or new, please send a photo of the item(s) to so we can see if the school can use it.


  • We were able to donate a trunk load of food thanks to your donations for the Cherry Hill Food Drive in November!

  • We collected $300 to help families in need in December through your donations for the Zone PTA Holiday Gift Card Drive!

  • Thank you to everyone who supported our Winter Plant Sale. We raised $640.10! Special thanks to Patricia Villano, Tina Malek, and Elisabeth Parades-Buckley for offering to assist with Poinsettias after arrival.

  • Thank you to the families that stopped by McDonald’s in December. We raised $555!

  • Thank you to all of the volunteers who donated to our Winter Treat Table for Cooper Staff: Nicole Conway, Jeanine Lieber, Mary Jo Hutchinson, Melissa Baldino, Carla Adams, Suzanne Trevena, Sherry Magda, Madeline Boehning, Carol Pletcher, Hilary Gill, Kristin Podolsky, Jen Carapetyan, Tina Malek, Meredith Nasife, Susan Rossman, Amanda LeeMasci, Karen Kuliczkowski, Marissa Antonelli, and Partha Sarathi. A special thanks to Nicole Conway and Jeanine Lieber for helping with set up in November and December. It was much appreciated by all.

  • We had some fun classroom parties before winter break! The following room parents and assistants helped with the Winter Party for students: Madeline Tieri, Diane Sharple, Andrea LaBarbera, Nicole Conway, Elisabeth Paredes-Buckley, Kristin Camardo, Lis Montgomery, Amanda Linick, Lis Montgomery, Sherry Magda, Jeanine Lieber, Victoria Morgan, Amanda LeeMasci, Kristin Podolsky, Ramona Hamill, Laura Turner, Krystal Pilarczyk, Michelle Pacitti, Dorothy Jin, Bridgett Moore, Tina Malek, Madeline Boehning, Melissa Baldino, Jennifer Esposito, Daria Farling, Kimberly Nagbe, Victoria Bailey, and Shazia Ansari.

  • Thank you to Michelle Pacitti for decorating the display case in the school foyer, Becky Brown for updating the school marquee, and Patricia Villano and Michelle Pacitti for assisting with social media posts.

  • Our apologies if we left anyone out by accident! Know that we appreciate you!!


  • Stop by the PTA Table on Family Math Night for some new spirit wear that will be available for sale!


  • Before winter break, students were given a flier for the Care Package and Hygiene Kit Drive for the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service. We are partnering with 10 other Cherry Hill PTAs for this drive and are looking forward to serving the South Jersey and Philadelphia area through this act of kindness and generosity! Please drop off your kits to school by 1/20.

  • Our Book Smiles bin is located in the foyer for students to drop off books to donate. Please send them in with your child anytime.


  • The Food Book sale ends this month. They are $10. Cooper will receive 60% of the proceeds - that’s $6 per book sold! A list of participating local businesses is on this flyer. You can earn your money back with the use of one or two coupons depending on what you use! If you’d like one (or more for friends and family), please send in an envelope marked “PTA - Food Book” with your child’s name and teacher, and payment in the form of a check made payable to J.F. Cooper PTA. You can also order in our PTA Store. Please contact Bridget at with any questions.

RAISERIGHT - Help Us Earn $$ for K-4 Trips!!

Thank you to everyone who is participating in our RaiseRight program. In case you haven’t ordered yet, you receive exactly what you pay for and our school receives between 2.5-21% in rewards on top of that!! We call it free money!! :)

Order in the RaiseRight app with enrollment code L293995764473. Your payment info is safe, private, and secure on the website. You can link a bank account or mark “Pay the Coordinator Directly” in the app and pay via check (made payable to J.F. Cooper PTA).

Our next group order for physical gift cards will be placed on Tuesday, January 10th. You will not have to pay for shipping. Please place your order in the app by then! Remember, e-gift cards are available immediately if you’re using the app or as soon as we receive your check.

A printable order form is available on our PTA website. E-mail Bridget at if you have any questions or concerns. We do not send these home with the students - they are handed/delivered to you.


Curious to know what we’ve raised money for? Stay tuned for our fundraising report at our next PTA meeting on January 18th.


The next Fair Funding meeting for Cherry Hill Public Schools will take place at 7pm on Thursday, January 19th over Zoom. Please reach out if you are interested in representing our school. Read more at the Fair Funding for CHPS Website and Fair Funding for CHPS FaceBook Page. Contact Zone PTA Fair Funding Committee Co-Chairs Laurie Deitch & Ilana Yares at


  • SACC is hiring! The CHPS School-Age Childcare Program is hiring! Monday-Friday morning care hours 6:45 am-8:45 am; after care hours 3:20 pm-6:05 pm. Call the SACC office at (856) 429-6564 or apply online.

  • Please check our website for the latest info from Zone PTA. Or follow Zone on Social Media:

  • FaceBook @ZonePTACherryHillPublicSchools

  • Twitter @CHZonePTA


  • Visit our PTA website: for our latest news and detailed information.

  • PTA Members: Make sure to check your e-mail inbox for information sent via Memberhub. If you do not see anything, please check your SPAM folder.

As always, thank you so much for your support!! If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out.


Shazia Ansari

J.F. Cooper PTA President

