2024-2025 Volunteer Opportunities



Please see the descriptions for roles and volunteer opportunities available within our PTA below. You can sign up to help here: 

2024-2025 PTA Volunteer Form



The following board roles are available for the 2023-2024 school year:

  • Advocacy Chair 

    • identifies policy issues of interest to our PTA membership and monitor through local and national media, school district policies, school board meetings, and PTA resources

    • presents legislative reports at General membership and board meetings

    • provides members with contact information for elected officials, while sharing action alerts and encouraging participation

    • networks with PTA Advocacy leaders in the community to collaborate on common goals, meet with elected officials annually (if possible)

  • Bylaws Chair

    • advises the board of directors and members on matters of parliamentary procedure, and serves as a consultant, especially in a meeting, where only the chair has the authority to rule on questions of order or to answer parliamentary inquiries

    • attends all Board and General PTA meetings

    • maintains copies of current governing documents - bylaws, standing rules, policies, and parliamentary authority

    • provides guidance to members and board members on issues outlined in governing documents

    • ensures our Local PTA meets all requirements of the Standards of Affiliation

    • confers with president prior to the meeting regarding business items on the agenda

    • maintains a position of impartiality and does not make motions, enter debate or vote

    • advises the president on points of parliamentary procedure


  • Room Parent Coordinator - coordinates with the President and keeps all room parents on track during the school year

  • Room Parents - responsible for assisting with the Fall Fun Fest, the winter party, and the end of year party. They collect funds from families and work with the teacher in planning the Winter and End of Year party. They are also responsible for communicating with families in the class and for sending reminders relevant to families in the classroom. Guidance will be provided. An orientation meeting will be in September/October.

  • Room Parent Assistant - help the Room Parent on the day of the Fall Fun Fest, Winter Party, and/or End of Year Party.

  • Standby Parent Volunteers - are contacted in case room parents or assistants are not available for a party


  • Display Case Volunteer(s) - update the display case in the main entrance foyer (4X a year, can be split between volunteers)

  • Marquee Sign Updater(s) - update the sign in the front lawn with important dates (bi-weekly or as needed from Sept - June)

  • Newsletter Assistant - helps populate the monthly newsletter with important dates and reaches out to coordinators for updates to place in the PTA newsletter (monthly)

  • Social Media Assistant(s) - help advertise PTA activities by posting updates and reminders on the Facebook page (weekly responsibility, but posts can also be scheduled in advance)


  • Membership Team - helps promote membership among families, staff, and community members


  • Advocacy Team - helps the Advocacy Chair identify policy issues of interest to our PTA membership and monitor through local and national media, school district policies, school board meetings, and PTA resources, helps promote and encourage participation in the community on relevant matters.


  • Financial Review Team - The NJPTA requires all PTAs to submit a Financial Review Form at the end of every PTA fiscal year (June 30th). At least 3 PTA members are required to do an audit at the end of the year. This requires reviewing bank statements, reports, check registers, etc. (15 min monthly, then 2-3 hours in July 2025)


  • Nominating Committee - The NJ PTA requires a nominating committee be formed for local PTAs each year to evaluate candidates interested in PTA officer positions. This committee evaluates candidates interested in PTA officer positions in the Spring. A nominating committee is not needed for the entire year. It is formed at the beginning of the year and has 1-2 meetings before PTA elections in the Spring. The committee's job is done when the election is over. 


  • Hospitality Team - handles the planning of edible and non-edible treats for staff and students throughout the year (i.e. New Student Orientation, Staff Welcome Back Breakfast, Water Ice Social, Staff Holiday Lunch, Staff Appreciation Week, Thanksgiving Pie Table, Holiday Luncheon, Family Social Events, Student Appreciation, etc.)


  • MLK Jr. Day of Service Project Volunteer - helps pick up and drop off items collected to local organizations.

  • Book Smiles Volunteer - helps pick up books from school and drop them off to Book Smiles in Cherry Hill/Pennsauken when our bin is full.


  • Fall Fun Fest Volunteer - in the event a room parent/assistant is not available, leads a Fall themed game station for students the morning of 10/31 outside on the field 

  • Trunk or Treat Volunteer - help coordinator with concessions, selling tickets, selling raffle tickets, stations, and directing visitors

  • Book Fair Volunteers - help students look for books and shop during the Fall and/or Spring Fair

  • Talent Show Coordinator - plans the format, coordinates volunteers, creates a flyer, recruits volunteers, and executes a show for the evening

  • Talent Show Volunteers - assist with the planning and execution of a Talent Show in January

  • STEAM Fair / STEM Night Team - assists the evening of STEAM Fair in April with concessions and check in

  • Picture Day Volunteer  - helps out at school on Picture Day

  • Field Day Volunteers - help the physical education teacher with stations on Field Day in June

  • Evening of the Arts Volunteers - hang up artwork in the hallways for Evening of the Arts in May (work will be done during school hours on select days in May)


  • Assistant - assists the VP of Ways and Means to plan and set up fundraisers and dine outs.

  • Concessions Volunteer - helps with selling items at events

  • RaiseRight Team - helps raise "free money" for the school by using and promoting gift cards from the RaiseRight app

  • Spirit Wear Volunteer - helps sort and bag spirit wear for delivery to students

  • Mum Sale Volunteer - helps sort mums on delivery day

  • Poinsettia Sale Volunteer - helps sort poinsettias on delivery day

  • Spring Flower Sale Volunteer - helps sort orders of flowers on delivery day


  • 5th Grade Planning Committee - plans an end of year activity to celebrate the end of 5th Grade, helps decorate for the Moving Up Ceremony, provides a gift to all students, arranges for 5th Grade class gift to the school.

  • 5th Grade Planning Committee Chair - leads the committee described above


  • Yearbook Editors - create layouts and keep the team and school on schedule for the year

  • Yearbook Assistants - insert school photos into layouts on the TreeRing website 

  • Yearbook Event Photographer - is responsible for taking photos to document a PTA event and submit the group of photos to the yearbook team

  • Staff Yearbook Review Team - reviews the rough drafts and final copies of the yearbook before submission 


  • Standby Volunteer - support PTA activities once in awhile as you are available

  • Set Up/Clean Up Volunteer - setting up before or cleaning up after events

  • PTA Information Table Volunteer - sitting at a table for the PTA during events to promote membership, sell items, or help spread information

  • Decorating Volunteer - helping make decorations and/or help decorate for certain events and/or during Staff Appreciation Week, and/or Moving Up Ceremony

  • Equipment Loaner - have anything at home we can borrow for an event?


Ready to sign up? You can sign up here: 2024-2025 PTA Volunteer Form