Thursday, June 16, 2022

It's not too late to get a yearbook!

Dear Parents/Guardians,

TreeRing plants 1 tree for every yearbook purchased, and so far at least 93 trees will be planted!! 

Yearbooks are scheduled to arrive by the last day of school. Updates will be on the PTA website.

If you are interested in purchasing a yearbook, we do have 6 extra. Please reserve your copy by sending an email to and send in a check to the main office for $19 made out to J.F. Cooper PTA with “Yearbook” in the memo line. Please make sure you provide your child’s name and teacher’s name.

If we run out of extra copies, we will let you know. In that case, you can order directly from the TreeRing website (anytime) and it will be shipped to your home.

Passcode: 1014806030344299

Yearbooks from previous years are also available to order on TreeRing!

The PTA advertises the yearbook from September through June on our website and via newsletters. If you did not create a TreeRing account this year, please consider it for next year. TreeRing has a very user-friendly app and website so your family can contribute easily. It also helps everyone keep on schedule by sending reminders.

To our returning Cooper families, our next yearbook will be on sale starting in August of 2022. There will be an early bird discount in September and October as always.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to