Monday, November 1, 2021

J.F. Cooper PTA Update - Week of 11/1/21


  • There is a PTA School Beautification Meeting on Tuesday, November 2, 2021 at 7:30pm. It will be virtual. Please join us if you are interested. 
                                PTA School Beautification Meeting
                                    Tuesday, November 2 · 7:30 – 8:15pm
                                      Google Meet joining info
                                        Video call link:
                                          Or dial: ‪(US) +1 920-785-8039‬ PIN: ‪860 912 312‬#
                                            More phone numbers:
            • Our school nurse has requested the following: girls and boys pants in new/gently used condition sizes suitable for K-2 students, new underwear in sizes suitable for K-2 students. Please send to school in a marked marked "NURSE." Thank you!
            • Room parents have sent home letters to all families. Please respond ASAP. Thank you!
            • Download the TreeRing app to submit any photos for the yearbook easily.
            • Or - e-mail photos to and it will go directly into the folder. You can also send them to