Thursday, April 29, 2021

Teacher Appreciation Week Schedule - May 3 - May 7


Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week (May 3-May 7) is next week! Thank you to so many of you for your donations of small prizes to distribute to staff with our prize wheel. Your generosity is very much appreciated! If anyone is still interested in sending in donations from the Sign Up Genius page please send in items no later than Tuesday, May 4 unless otherwise noted.

Here is our schedule for staff and studentsPlease note that dressing suggestions for each day  are for fun and optional. 

Monday, May 3, 2021 will be a special "Chalk the Walk" event where students can decorate sections of the sidewalk for teachers. If your child is interested in participating, please sign up for a slot here

Curious to know what Cooper staff love? 

****Printable Worksheets Coming Soon!****