Sunday, March 14, 2021

Cooper PTA Update - Week of 3/15/21


  • Students will be participating in a PTA Sponsored Assembly from MAD Science on Monday, March 15! The topic is "Spin, Pop, Boom!". Thank you to all families who have supported our fundraising activities in the past which allowed this assembly to be possible!
  • Our Flower Power Fundraiser is now live online. Paper brochures were sent home last week. If you'd like free shipping, please send in paper forms to school by April 6th. Otherwise, order anytime you'd like to garden before May 15th online. Please share this link with family and friends! Bulbs are guaranteed to grow.
  • Chick Fil A in Marlkress is offering us another Mobile Spirit Night on Tuesday, March 23, 2021 from 5-8pm
  • Get ready for the Virtual Science Fair on April 22, 2021! See the Flyer and Registration Form. Please register by March 26, 2021.
  • Thank you for participating in our Follett Book Fair! Books were distributed last week at school and material pick up.
  • Our next virtual PTA meeting is on April 8, 2021. All Cooper parents (members and non-members) are welcome. If you have not submitted dues for the 2020-2021 school year, you can submit dues here or send a check for $10 made out to J.F. Cooper PTA to school with your contact information.