
Tuesday, September 26, 2023

BOE Candidates Forum - Submit Your Questions

Hi Everyone,

Please see this message below from Zone PTA and submit your questions by 9pm tonight (9/26) if interested.

"The Cherry Hill Zone PTA and the NJ League of Women Voters are honored to host the Cherry Hill Board of Education Candidates Forum on  Sunday, October 1, 2023 from 7:00-9:00pm. This will be a VIRTUAL event. This is the voters' opportunity to get to know the candidates for the Cherry Hill Board of Education.

Since this is a VIRTUAL event, we will be unable to take questions from the audience during the Forum.  If you would like to ask the Candidates a question(s), please submit them VIA THE FORM SENT TO YOU VIA E-MAIL. To submit more than one question, complete the form, one question at a time.  After you hit "Submit", the form will reset and you can submit additional questions. Please submit all inquiries by 9:00pm Tuesday , September 26, 2023.  

*Please be advised that there are 7 candidates and only 2 hours of time. The League of Women Voters will do the best they can to ask questions that are impactful and productive.  Thank you for your participation.*

Thanks for your attention!
