
Wednesday, January 18, 2023

MLK Day of Service - Hygiene Kit & Care Package Drive

   J.F. Cooper PTA Community Service Project

In partnership with CommunitySJP and  10 other Cherry Hill PTAs!


“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: 

‘What are you doing for others?'” ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

Last year, students in our school district donated over 1,800 care packages and hygiene kits for our project. Would YOU like to do something for others? You can make a mini care package or hygiene kit at home for those in need in our community. Here are the directions!

  1. If you’d like to participate in this project, talk to your family and pick which kit(s) you would like to make. You can make as many kits as you would like. 

  2. Have your family purchase the items below. You can find them in stores like Dollar Tree, Target, Walmart, a pharmacy, or the supermarket.

  3. Assemble your kit(s) on any day for the MLK Day of Service.

  4. Take 1-2 photos for the yearbook! Have an adult send them to

  5. Drop off your kit(s) to the main office by January 20, 2023.

Kit A (Dental Hygiene) 

  • 1 clear storage size plastic bag (to hold the items below)

  • 1 toothbrush

  • 1 travel size or small toothpaste

  • 1 dental floss or set of flossers

  • 1 travel size mouthwash (optional)

  • A positive message (optional) **please do not include your names**

Kit B (General Hygiene)


  • 1 clear storage size plastic bag (to hold the items below) 

  • 1 travel size shampoo (or 2 in 1 shampoo / conditioner)

  • 1 travel size lotion

  • 1 travel size or small soap

  • 1 chapstick

  • 1 pack of pocket tissues

  • 1 comb (optional)

  • 1 nail file (optional)

  • A positive message (optional) **please do not include your names**

Kit C (Activity Pack)

  • 1 clear gallon size plastic bag (to hold the items below)

  • 1 deck of cards

  • 1 pen

  • 1 notepad

  • 1 activity book (word search, crossword puzzles, sudoku, etc.)

  • A positive message (optional)  **please do not include your names**


Kit D (Complete Care Pack)


  • A clear gallon size plastic bag (to hold the items) 

  • The items listed in Kit A, B, and C! :)

  • A positive message (optional)  **please do not include your names**





This drive is being held in partnership with the non-profit organization, CommunitySJP - Uniting communities through service in the South Jersey Philadelphia region by harnessing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors.”


The items in the kits listed above are suggested. Parents/Guardians: If you’re wondering about inserting additional items in your kits, please reach out! :) Send questions to

All kits will be donated to local organizations, such as Joseph’s House of Camden, to help those in need. We will let you know where the kits go! Thank you for your generosity.