
Monday, October 3, 2022

Please Vote on October 6, 2022





On October 6, 2022, the Cherry Hill Board of Education and School District will have a Bond Referendum vote

for $363M worth of projects that have been identified and subsequently approved by the state of NJ.

Due to decades of chronic underfunding from state and federal governments (the monies that fund our district

in addition to our local school taxes), CHPS has been forced to prioritized staffing and programs.

Simply put, the 19 buildings within CHPS’ district are in need of significant repair and renovation to bring them

up to today’s standards and expectations. 


An average of 35% of costs will be paid for by the state (approx. $113M), lowering the taxpayers' portion and

helping the district recoup years of chronic underfunding by the state and federal government (The state

reimburses 0% for new construction.).


If the bond does not pass, we are not eligible for any of the monies from the state.  


This decision affects our students for not only their elementary school, but middle and high school years as well.

Please see what’s in store for our schools:


Cooper -

Beck -

Cherry Hill East


The J.F. Cooper PTA Executive Board has voted and are in support of this bond referendum.


We are encouraging everyone to go to VOTE on 10/06/2022 to voice your opinion. 

Your voice matters!


If you have any questions, feel free to email Shazia Ansari at president@jfcooperpta.orgas well as our Advocacy Chair Amanda LeeMasci at

More information can be found at