
Monday, October 31, 2022

Jaguar Basketball Information

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Please see this note from one of our Cooper parents, Jessica Sautter, regarding a basketball league that is being established.

If you are interested in learning more or having your child participate, please fill out this form:

**Please note that although this team will be playing games at Cooper and is designed with Cooper students in mind, this is not a "school district" or "PTA" sponsored team.**

Poinsettia Sale

et ready for the upcoming Winter season by decorating your home or gifting someone special some beautiful Poinsettias! 

We are so pleased to be offering these again this year! 

Orders are due by 11/16 so that we can get them delivered by December 2nd for you from the greenhouse, so don't miss out! Here is our Poinsettia Sale FlyerYou can also order through our PTA store.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Scholastic Book Fair Info

Book Fair Information & Class Schedule 

Book Fair Family Night is Thursday, October 27th from 6:30-8pm.

We need a few more book fair volunteers! Sign up here!


Tip: Zoom in to see better :)

Did you miss Family Night?

You can shop online at the link below until November 6th!

Skating & Bowling Interest Survey

Please fill out this quick survey to help us plan for February and March! 

Thank you!

Monday, October 17, 2022

Reminder : PTA Meeting this Wednesday, 10/19


This is just a friendly reminder that our PTA Meeting is Wednesday, 10/19/22 at 6:30pm. 

Join us in person in the J.F. Cooper Elementary School Library or over Zoom.

Members and those who are not yet a member are all welcome!

Please click here to see the agenda for the meeting. You will find the ZOOM link to the meeting and links to all available handouts - they will all be active by noon.

Thank you,

Shazia Ansari

Reflections Contest has Launched! Entries due 12/9


The PTA would like to invite all Cooper students to participate in this year’s National PTA Reflections Contest

Does your child enjoy art, music and dance or have an interest in writing, producing films

and/or taking photos? Then let them have fun unleashing their inner artist with PTA Reflections! This year’s theme, “Show Your Voice!” calls for their own unique interpretation through the arts. 

Each year, students across the country in Pre-K through Grade 12 are invited to create and submit original works of art in the areas of Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography and Visual Arts. 

For inspiration, visit the Reflections virtual art gallery and learn more about prizes and scholarships at

Note: Students who identify as having a disability and may receive services under IDEA or ADA: Section 504 may enter in the Special Artist Division OR grade division most closely aligned to their functional abilities. Please reach out for more information if this applies to your child.

All participating Cooper students will need to submit an entry form by December 9th.

Here are the Submission Guidelines & Entry Form


The due date will be December 9, 2022


1) E-mail files in the appropriate format to

2) E-mail a scan or photo of the entry form

3) Send in the original signed entry form to school


1) E-mail a PDF file or scan of the handwritten literature piece to

2) E-mail a scan or photo of the entry form

3) Send in the printed or original handwritten version AND the original signed entry form to school


1) E-mail the photo or scan of the artwork to

2) E-mail a scan or photo of the entry form

3) Send in the photo or any physical artwork AND the original signed entry form to school

No later than December 9, 2022 - e-mail

Entries from Cooper will be submitted to the district level representative. From there, any winning entries will progress to the county, regional, state, and national levels for judging.

If you have any questions, please reach out to

Update - Week of October 10/16/22


  • Thank you to EVERYONE who helped make Trunk or Treat a success!!! And thank you for your patience as we admitted so many extra families!! We have so much positive feedback - thank you to everyone who helped make this event so successful!!

If you have any questions about anything, please don't hesitate to reach out! 


Monday, October 10, 2022

Food Books on Sale until 10/31

Food Books are on sale for $10! Cooper will receive $6 back on each sale. You can earn your money back with the use of one or two coupons depending on what you use first! Books can be ordered from the PTA store, you can send money in an envelope to school with your request, or purchase one this Saturday at Trunk or Treat! ðŸ™‚

Food Book Orders - PTA Store 

Food Book - Flyer of Participating Stores/Restaurants

Update - Week of 10/10/22


  • Thank you to EVERYONE who voted in the Special Election regarding the Cherry Hill Bond Referendum!
  • Trunk or Treat forms were due on 10/7. If you forgot to send in the form, please do so no later than Wednesday, 10/12. After that, payment can be made the day of the event on-site via cash or check. Trunk or Treat is on 10/15/22 from 5-7pm!!

If you have any questions about anything, please don't hesitate to reach out! 


Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Reminder: Room Parent/Assistant/Volunteer Orientation Meeting 10/7

This is a friendly reminder that the Room Parent/Assistant/Volunteer Orientation Meeting is this Friday, October 7th from 9:15am - 10:15am.

For those who have volunteered, please check your e-mail inbox for details.

Thank you,

Monday, October 3, 2022

Please Vote on October 6, 2022





On October 6, 2022, the Cherry Hill Board of Education and School District will have a Bond Referendum vote

for $363M worth of projects that have been identified and subsequently approved by the state of NJ.

Due to decades of chronic underfunding from state and federal governments (the monies that fund our district

in addition to our local school taxes), CHPS has been forced to prioritized staffing and programs.

Simply put, the 19 buildings within CHPS’ district are in need of significant repair and renovation to bring them

up to today’s standards and expectations. 


An average of 35% of costs will be paid for by the state (approx. $113M), lowering the taxpayers' portion and

helping the district recoup years of chronic underfunding by the state and federal government (The state

reimburses 0% for new construction.).


If the bond does not pass, we are not eligible for any of the monies from the state.  


This decision affects our students for not only their elementary school, but middle and high school years as well.

Please see what’s in store for our schools:


Cooper -

Beck -

Cherry Hill East


The J.F. Cooper PTA Executive Board has voted and are in support of this bond referendum.


We are encouraging everyone to go to VOTE on 10/06/2022 to voice your opinion. 

Your voice matters!


If you have any questions, feel free to email Shazia Ansari at president@jfcooperpta.orgas well as our Advocacy Chair Amanda LeeMasci at

More information can be found at



Volunteers Needed for 10/6

Please see these two opportunities to help below. If you have any questions, please reach out.

School Drop Off Reminder to VOTE on 10.6

Hi there! We are organizing parents/volunteers to be at each school on Thursday, 10/6 at drop off to remind parents to VOTE that day.


Polls are open from 6am-8pm on that day and folks should go to their regular polling stations. There are a few that have been changed for this election only, but otherwise, head to regular polling stations.

Polling Location Staffing

Hi there! We're looking to staff polling locations on election day with PTA folks to be there for a couple reasons:

1-In case people have any last minute questions, you are there to answer with factual information only (remember, we can only tell people to VOTE. Not how to vote.)

2-It's a great way to encourage your local school to come to their polling place at the same time and they'll see their PTA there, too! Send this out in your emails, texts, socials, etc.

FINALLY, IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT WE REMAIN 100 FEET FROM THE ENTRANCE ON ELECTION DAY. We can set up a table and have it there but it MUST be 100 feet away.


Thank you for your attention!


Room Parents/Assistants Still Needed

Good Morning,

I hope all of you had a nice weekend despite the dreary weather!

The following classrooms still need a Room Parent or Room Parent Assistant this year:

K - ASDDiPaolaRoom Parent
K - ASDCabnetRoom Parent Assistant
ASDDuffyRoom Parent
ASDDuffyRoom Parent Assistant
3PaparoRoom Parent
LLD 1KleftogiannisRoom Parent
LLD 1KleftogiannisRoom Parent Assistant
LLD 2KellerRoom Parent
LLD 2KellerRoom Parent Assistant

Room Parents - are responsible for assisting with the Fall Fun Fest (10/31), the winter party (12/22), and the end of year party (6/14). They collect funds from families and work with the teacher in planning the Winter and End of Year party. Guidance will be provided. We are planning to have an orientation meeting (virtual & in-person) for all room parents & assistants on 10/7.

Room Parent Assistants- help the Room Parent on the day of the Fall Fun Fest, Winter Party, and/or End of Year Party

Standby Parent Volunteers - are contacted in case room parents or assistants are not available for a party

If you are interested in any of the above, please reach out. We like to have at least two parents assigned per classroom each year to help with class parties.

Thank you for your attention!


Saturday, October 1, 2022

Reminders - Week of 10/3/22


On your mobile device, you will see a highlighted blue bar that says "Home" and a triangle pointing downwards. If you touch this on your screen, a menu will appear to scroll through the tabs. 

If you have any questions about anything, please don't hesitate to reach out! 
