
Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Notice of Special *Virtual* Meeting on Monday 4/25 from 7:30pm-7:45pm

Hi everyone,

This notice was sent to all members today via Memberhub. If you did not receive it, please check your spam folder. If you forgot to sign up for membership this year, it's not too late! Please register for membership here in the PTA store.


Dear Members,

At the March 16, 2022 PTA Meeting of General Membership, during the discussion of the latest budget report, the board proposed adding additional funds of approximately $1,200 to the School Grant Line Item.

This proposal was a result of a hard look at the budget prior to the meeting and calculations of expected income and expenses for the remainder of the year. We originally allotted $2,200 for this purpose and have so far spent $641.31.

The PTA board received requests for some classroom supplies/equipment by some of our teachers. Expenses are approximating to be around $160-$175 per classroom. With this range in mind, we'd like to allocate an additional $1,200 from the extra funds we have on hand to allow for enough funds for the other classrooms to benefit as well. This amendment would then allow for each of the 15 homerooms a grant of approximately $175 in funds before the end of the school year.

Thanks to everyone's support, fundraising has been going well this year. This amendment will not hurt our current budget plan and we will still have adequate funds for the start of the next school year. Our desire is to have the classrooms to benefit directly since at the current time there is not a larger purchase for the school at large that is being requested. 

Since we are requesting to amend the budget, and because we do not have another meeting until May 11, we need to specifically vote on this at a special 10-15 minute *virtual* meeting on Monday, April 25 at 7:30pm. According to the bylaws, members need at least 5 days notice of this special meeting. You are receiving 20 days advance notice because of spring break. This meeting will only be for voting purposes. We will need a quorum of at least 11 members to vote. 

Although we received positive feedback at our meeting, we'd like to make sure we acknowledge the voice of others in membership as well. Please respond before spring break if you have any questions or concerns so that they can be discussed prior to the meeting.

Thank you!

Shazia Ansari


NJ PTA Website on Amending/Reallocating the Budget:

"The budget is an annual plan. It is only an estimate of expenses and income. Plans will change. Therefore, the budget may have to change or be amended. No budget should be so rigid that it cannot be easily adjusted to meet the changing needs faced by PTAs. The budget may be adjusted (amended or reallocated) by:

  • Vote of the general membership.
  • Vote of the board of directors acting on behalf of the membership, between meetings of the membership.
  • When the board of directors amends the budget, it must be sure that it is acting with the permission of the general membership through the standing rules or a budget notation.
  • If authorized by the PTA’s standing rules or in the budget itself, the board may be able to reallocate funds from one purpose to another.

Local Bylaws:

"Article XXII. Section 3: General Membership Meetings

A. At least three (3) General Membership meetings will be held during the school year.

Dates of the meetings will be announced to the General Membership before the year’s first

General Membership meeting.

B. Local PTAs may hold electronic meetings based on the New Jersey PTA Board of Directors’

approved rules.

C. Five (5) days notice will be given if necessary to change the meeting date.

D. Special Meetings of the General Membership may be called by the Board of Directors, with

five (5) days’ notice. The purpose of the meeting will be stated in the call to the meeting.

E. Quorum – the quorum requirement shall be specified in the standing rules but shall be at

least ten members or double the number of your officers plus one, whichever is greater."