
Tuesday, December 7, 2021

J.F. Cooper PTA Reflections Contest Information

The PTA would like to invite all Cooper students to participate in this year’s National PTA Reflections Contest

Does your child enjoy art, music and dance or have an interest in writing, producing films

and/or taking photos? Then let them have fun unleashing their inner artist with PTA Reflections! This year’s theme, “I Will Change the World By...,” calls for their own unique interpretation through the arts. 

Each year, students in Pre-K through Grade 12 are invited to create and submit original works of art in the areas of Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography and Visual Arts. 

For inspiration, visit the Reflections virtual art gallery and learn more about prizes and scholarships at

All participating Cooper students will need to submit an entry form virtually by December 31 AND in hard copy form by January 4 depending on the category.

Here are the Submission Guidelines & Entry Form


The due date will be Thursday, December 23, 2021 if you’d like to submit before winter break. 

E-mail Dance, Film, Literature, and Music files to and send in the entry form to school. Hand in any physical artwork from the Visual Arts or Photography category by this date.

**Entries can also be submitted over winter break if you need more time.** 

Our PTA has to enter your information into a portal by January 1, 2022. If you choose to submit your entry over winter break, keep these things in mind:

No later than Friday, December 31, 2021 - e-mail

  • Entry forms must be submitted via e-mail (scan or photo) by a parent/guardian. 

  • Files of entries must be attached in the proper file format (see submission guidelines).
  • If your child created physical artwork, you will need to send a photo of it so it can be entered into the portal.

By Tuesday, January 4, 2022

  • The HARD COPY of the entry form is due to the main office.

  • The PHYSICAL artwork that was created for the PHOTOGRAPHY or VISUAL ARTS category, and any handwritten entry created for the LITERATURE category needs to be submitted to the main office.

Note: Students who identify as having a disability and may receive services under IDEA or ADA: Section 504 may enter in the Special Artist Division OR grade division most closely aligned to their functional abilities. Please reach out for more information if this applies to your child.

Entries from Cooper will be submitted to the district level representative in early January of 2022. From there, any winning entries will progress to the county, regional, state, and national levels for judging.

If you have any questions, please reach out to