
Wednesday, June 2, 2021

J.F. Cooper PTA Update - Week of 6/1/21


  • Our June newsletter will be released soon!
  • If anyone did not place an order for the yearbook with the rest of the group, please order your yearbook here to receive it at home.
  • Room parents have been collecting funds for end of year parties and end of year teacher gifts. If you have not yet responded to your child's room parent, please reach out to them. If you need another copy of the room parent letter, please reach out to me at or
  • Our next PTA Meeting is June 3, 2021 at 6:30pm. All parents are invited to attend. PTA Board elections will take place at this meeting. Your attendance would be appreciated!
  • Thank you for your cookbook orders. If anyone would still like to order a copy, please see our PTA Store. They will be delivered this month.