
PTA Communications

Our Website / Blog


Mrs. Tiernan’s Newsletters

The link to our website is readily available in each newsletter. Click to see what’s up and bookmark it to find what you need. 

Blackboard Messages aka “A Message from the Cooper PTA”

These e-mails go out to all families. They are sent from the school messaging system. 

Notices on Blue Paper

Do you see notices on blue paper in your child’s backpack or folder? That’s us! We’re trying to get your attention because we know everyone’s e-mail inboxes are always flooded with info!


These are sent home on blue paper.

Memberhub/GiveBacks E-mails

These e-mails go out to families who are PTA members and those who have interacted with our PTA store online. Please check your SPAM folder if you are not seeing these messages.