
PTA Annual Financial Review

As a non-profit organization, we keep detailed records of all transactions for our PTA and aim to comply with all state requirements. If you’re ever curious about anything, please do not feel shy to ask about income, expenses, insurance, registration, licenses, permits, etc. As a PTA Member, you are entitled to this information and should feel comfortable asking. Our intention is to be transparent. If you have any questions about these topics, please reach out to


The work of the Treasurer is extremely important and it is a PTA organization's duty to ensure accuracy and transparency on our non-profit's donation income and expenditures.

Our goal is to use our funds wisely. As a member of the PTA, you have a voice in how our funds are spent. Please try to attend our membership meetings or reach out to share your thoughts.

During each general PTA membership meeting, PTA members are made aware of the most recent budget report.

The NJPTA requires all PTAs to submit a Financial Review Form at the end of every PTA fiscal year (June 30th). This will be shared at the first Fall membership meeting of the new school year.

3 PTA members are required to do an audit/financial review at the end of the year. This requires reviewing bank statements, reports, check registers, etc. 

Read more about how PTAs are required to record finances here:

PTA Resources Hub: Finances (Treasurer)

Our Treasurer keeps meticulous records of our transactions and is always available to politely answer your questions. 

Contact Diane Sharple at