
Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Friday, March 15, 2024

PTA Board Role Applications Due 4/9/24

Dear PTA Members,

The PTA Nominating Committee is seeking to fill officer roles for the 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 school years.

Please see the attached document or following link for information about the nominating process, the roles up for election, and how to apply:

J.F. Cooper PTA Board Officer Nomination/Application Form

Elections will be at the general PTA meeting on May 22, 2024 at 6:30pm.

Thank you!

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Fair Funding Fridays


March 15, 2024

Hi (insert name you’re calling HERE). My name is (insert your name) and (I am a proud resident in Cherry Hill OR I am a proud (resident/teacher/principal/etc) in Cherry Hill.).

I am calling to implore you to advocate for restoring our state aid so that the students in Cherry Hill Public Schools are not faced with larger class sizes, loss of services, and other drastic measures. Cherry Hill has lived through this before and our students deserve better. Support our students. Stabilize our funding.

Names/Numbers of people to call:

Sen. Budget Committee Chair Paul Sarlo: 201-804-8118

Senate Education Chair Vin Gopal: 732-695-3371

Assembly Budget Committee Chair Eliana Pintor-Marin: 973-589-0713

Governor Murphy: 609-292-6000

Assemblywoman Pam Lampitt: 856-435-1247

Assemblyman Lou Greewald: 856-435-1247

State Senator Jim Beach: 856-429-1572

Monday, March 11, 2024

Autism Awareness Walk

 Just a friendly reminder that T-shirt orders for the school-wide Autism Awareness Walk are on sale in the Cooper PTA store. Orders are due by March 15th.

Proceeds raised from the T-shirt sale will go towards purchasing a picnic table for the students in our Autism Support classes. The school is also accepting donations and pledges. Any additional funds raised beyond the cost of the table will be used for additional play equipment. General donations for this specific cause are due April 1st.

Note: The school and PTA cannot accept Venmo/PayPal/Zelle/CashApp. Please donate through the PTA store or send a check made payable to: J.F. Cooper PTA.

Please share this link with family & friends. Attached you will find the T-shirt order form and pledge form that were sent home.

Autism Walk T-Shirt Order Form.pdf

Autism Walk Pledge Form.2024.pdf