
Friday, March 31, 2023

Spring Plant Sale - Orders Due by April 12!

Please see this year's Spring Plant Sale flyer! If your family attends Cooper, you will find the order form on a blue double-sided sheet of paper.

All items are listed in our online PTA store this year if you'd like to pay by Credit Card.

Anyone is welcome to order, you do not have to be a Cooper Family!

If you like a particular color, flower, herb, vegetable, or landscaping plant and don't see it listed, we do have a "secret menu" :) Please reach out to Bridget Moore at for availability and pricing.

Thank you for your support!!

Thursday, March 30, 2023

STEAM Fair - April 20th!

 Hi Everyone,

This is just a reminder for our upcoming STEAM Fair on April 20th! (STEAM = Science, Technology, Art, Engineering, and Math)

We'd love for your child to participate if they'd like!

Here is the registration link. The packet was also sent home on blue paper. 

You can also print another one if needed here: STEAM Fair Info Packet

This is a non-judged fair and has been enjoyable for both participants and attendees in the past.

If you need some links for ideas, or would like to borrow any books with ideas - just reach out.


Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Reminder: PTA Meeting 3/22/23


This is just a friendly reminder that our PTA Meeting is Wednesday, 3/22/23 at 6:30pm. 

Join us in person in the J.F. Cooper Elementary School Library or over Zoom.

Members and those who are not yet a member are all welcome!

Please click below to join the meeting:


Thank you,

Shazia Ansari

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Spring Family Photo Sessions 4/29

The 5th Grade Committee is excited to have Laura Turner photographing families again this year for Spring Family Photo Sessions!!

Please find the information below and book your spot ASAP at the following link if interested:

Spring Family Photo Sessions by Photographer Laura Turner

All families are invited to come out to support our 5th grade class!

Saturday, April 29th, 2023*

Barclay Farmstead Cherry Hill, NJ

*In the event of rain, photo sessions will be held on Sunday, April 30, 2023 at the same time.

$25 Donation - One (1) digital download per family

$100 Donation - Five (5) digital downloads per family

$150 Donation - Ten (10) digital downloads per family

★ To secure your 10 minute session time and read more details, scan the QR code or go to the following link:

★ Send in your payment no later than April 26, 2023

Payment via Check: Make your check payable to J.F. Cooper PTA and send
it to school in an envelope marked “PTA Photo Sessions” with your family name (i.e. The Turner Family", child’s name, and teacher. If you do not have a child at Cooper, please e-mail us for instructions.

Payment via Credit Card: Choose your package at (Memberhub platform convenience fees will apply.)

★ If you have any questions about photos, please contact

★ If you have any questions about payment, please contact

Sunday, March 12, 2023

March / April Reminders


Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Fair Funding - Great News!

 Just wanted to share the GREAT NEWS in case you have not heard.

Governor Murphy's proposed budget includes $36,377,427 for Cherry Hill schools! That's an increase of 22.9% or $6,787,979 over last year!

This money will make a huge difference for our students and staff.

You can help ensure we get this amount from the legislature by supporting our Tuesday Tweet campaign on March 14 and 28th.

Send a tweet, an email or call your legislators on those dates and tell them how important this money is to Cherry Hill Schools.

THANK YOU to Laurie Deitch, Ilana Yares and the Fair Funding Committee members for all their work!!

Click the following link to access ways you can contact our legislators by phone, petition, and letter.