
Wednesday, March 30, 2022


 If you have misplaced your child's form, please see the info below.

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

PTA STEAM Fair Reminder


You’re Invited Cooper Students & Families!

Stop by the J.F. Cooper PTA Family STEAM Fair!

Thursday, March 24, 2022 @ 6:30pm - 8:30pm 

Please enter from the APR door!

Over 25 students from Kindergarten through 5th Grade will have their projects on display.

Support our Cooper Jaguars! Come and ask questions! 

See some experiments and learn something new! 

We are looking forward to a fun filled and interactive evening!

Note for participants:

  • The Science Fair and STEAM Night is tomorrow, March 24, 2022 at 6:30 PM. 

  • You can bring your project to set it up at 6:10pm. If you need to drop it off before then, please let me or Ms. Lisa know. Your parents/guardians can e-mail me at I will be there by 5:30pm. The event will start at 6:30pm.

  • Make sure to eat dinner before you come! You might get hungry! :^) 

  • Please come through the entrance closest to the APR when you arrive.

  • Check in with Mrs. Ansari to get your spot number and your welcome bag.

  • You and your family will have your own spot to set up labeled with your name. 

  • Relax and enjoy the evening! People will be excited to see what you did!

  • You do not have to stand by your project the entire evening. You are encouraged to look at other projects! Have fun!

  • Make sure you see me before you leave for your certificate! 

    I’m looking forward to seeing your projects! See you tomorrow!

Mrs. Ansari

J.F. Cooper PTA

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Spiritwear Sale - Orders due 3/25/22

Visit the PTA store to make your purchase or send in the blue order form that was sent home!

(You can avoid fees by sending in your order the old-fashioned way.)

We also have some shirts on hand from our flash spirit wear sale. 
Scroll down to the post about it on this blog!

Ice Skating on 3/27/22 from 1:30-3:30pm

Please see the flyer and waiver that were sent home on blue paper. 

Envelopes are due to the main office by Thursday, 3/24/22.

Monday, March 14, 2022

Reminder - PTA Meeting on Wednesday, 3/16/22

  PTA Meetings » Floris Elementary PTA

Our next PTA meeting is this Wednesday, March 16, 2022 at 6:30pm over Zoom.

Link to join Zoom Meeting:

Here is our TENTATIVE MARCH AGENDA. Please let us know if you'd like to discuss anything in particular!

Please see the links in the above agenda for the FEBRUARY MINUTES and the UPDATED STANDING RULES that were approved.

Links for other handouts will be active by the morning of the meeting. 

As always, please check our PTA website, for updates and information from the Cherry Hill Zone PTA regarding happenings within our school district.

Thank you for your attention!!

Shazia Ansari

PTA President

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

March 2022 Newsletter

 Click here to view our March 2022 Newsletter. 

This news also being sent home on BLUE paper. Keep an eye out for it! There are lots of updates and reminders!

Thank you for your attention! :)

Spring Family Photo Sessions - Saturday, May 14


Location: Barclay Farmstead, Cherry Hill, NJ

Times: 9am-12pm, 4pm-7pm (10 minute slots)

$25 minimum donation to the 5th Grade class includes one (1) digital download per family

$100 donation to the 5th Grade class includes five (5) digital downloads per family

$150 donation to the 5th Grade class includes ten (10) digital downloads per family 

**All proceeds from this event will benefit the 5th Grade Class of 2022 end of year activities.** 

Portraits will be taken by photographer Laura Turner (The Creative Shutter), who is also the 5th Grade Parent Committee Chair and former J.F. Cooper PTA President.

Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity to capture you and your loved ones and help our 5th graders celebrate. 

Reserve your 10 minute slot now by clicking on this link.

You will receive payment instructions after signing up.

If you have any questions, please contact Laura at or 610-513-9481.

Monday, March 7, 2022

PTA Board Role Nomination/Application Form Available

The following positions are up for election for the 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 term (2 years):



The following position will be vacant for the 2022-2023 year (1 year):

VP of Programs and Events

Candidates should be focused on serving the Cooper Community with a common goal. All of these roles rely on a sense of responsibility, dependability, a positive attitude, a sense of organization, the ability to work with a team, and excellent communication skills. 

PTA training and guidance will be provided for each role.

Role descriptions are available on the following application/nomination form:

**You may apply for more than one role.

**You may also nominate someone else with their permission.

As per NJ PTA rules, the members of the Nominating Committee will review all applications and have confidential deliberations. They will then select 1 candidate for President and Treasurer based on their qualifications. 

The slate of candidates will be elected on May 11. 

If you do not get selected, and are still interested, you are allowed submit your intent to run from the floor 20 days prior to the election. In this case, a ballot will then be created. 

Please see the Bylaws and Standing Rules of our PTA for more information.

All elected officers are responsible for ensuring that the Local PTA Standard of Affiliations is adhered to in order to to keep this PTA in good standing with New Jersey PTA, the IRS, and the State of New Jersey.

If you have additional questions, please reach out to the Nominating Committee --- Bridget Moore, Ramona Hamill, Diane Sharple, and Kristin Podolsky (alternate) at

Forms are due on Monday, March 28, 2022.

Friday, March 4, 2022

STEAM FAIR - March 24, 2022


Hi Everyone,

Please see the flyer link below for our STEAM Fair coming up on Thursday, March 24th at 6:30pm. All students will be receiving this flyer today.

In year's past we've had a Science Fair with the traditional Science Fair Experiments. 

This year we'd like to add some more options to participate into the mix if your kids are interested in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math.

All the kids from Kindergarten - 5th Grade are invited to participate!! :)

STEAM Fair Flyer, Guidelines & Registration Form - 2022.pdf

Online Registration Form

Scientific Method Chart (For those who wish to do experiments)

Past participants: Looking for the old Science Fair website for resources? Check it out here: